News: EAS

TooWINDY mission launched for investigation of disruptive phenomenon

The TooWINDY mission of Principal Investigator David Hysell, was launched from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, on June 19, 2019. TooWINDY payloads investigated the stability of the post sunset equatorial F region ionosphere and the factors that predispose it to equatorial spread F (ESF), a spectacular phenomenon characterized by broadband plasma turbulence which degrades radio and radar signals at low magnetic latitudes. The goal of the investigation was to lay the foundation for a strategy to forecast this disruptive phenomenon. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Long... Read more

Awards fund innovations in digital agriculture

Projects ranging from a soil-swimming robot that can sense conditions in the root zone in real time to computational models that can predict produce spoilage received seed funds from the Cornell Initiative for Digital Agriculture’s new Research Innovation Fund. Read more